APKMODY SAI is a Split APKs Installer, the app for installing split APKs - apps that consist of multiple APKs. It has both rootless and rooted installation methods.
Main features:
- Work as a Split APKs Installer
- Work as an APK Installer
- Export APK, APKs
- Work without root
- Many themes to fit your hobby
* Please note that APKMODY SAI only installs user-provided files and is not responsible for those apps behavior.
* Please also note, that some devices/ROMs aren't supported by APKMODY SAI, which has to do with bad Android API implementation in said ROMs and can't be fixed on the app side.
* APKMODY SAI is built from an open-source app called SAI, thanks to github.com/Aefyr/SAI. The app is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, which allows us to modification and distribution.
APKMODY SAI是一个拆分APK安装程序,用于安装拆分APK的应用-由多个APK组成的应用。它具有无根和有根的安装方法。
*请注意,APKMODY SAI仅安装用户提供的文件,对这些应用程序的行为不承担任何责任。
*另请注意,APKMODY SAI不支持某些设备/ ROM,这与所述ROM中的Android API实施不正确有关,无法在应用程序侧进行修复。
*感谢github.com/Aefyr/SAI,APKMODY SAI是从名为SAI的开源应用程序构建的。该应用程序是根据GNU通用公共许可证v3.0许可的,该许可证允许我们进行修改和分发。